Saturday’s Hip-Hop and Prayer summit was, oddly enough, really good. Granted that the number of attendees could have and should have been better, the summit served its purpose; incorporating the old scripture into the new culture of today’s urban youth.
It started with a very intriguing and interactive conversation with Khary Turner who spoke about some hip-hop history and its ever changing message and how it is used in yesterday and today’s community. One of the more important points from that segment was the fact that, unfortunately, we’ve put more emphasis on the negative messages in hip-hop (sex, drugs, and all that between) rather than focusing on the fact that it should be a way to convey productive messages of change, strife, and triumph of the community. Stemming from those points and more like them, he brought the conversation to the main topic of involving one’s whole self (personality, abilities, and interests) into the church so that going to church and being proactive in the church community can be an enjoyment rather than a task.
After the listening and conversation segment of the day, we moved to the church gym to learn and enjoy the dancing style of b-boy dancing thanks to Benito Vasquez. Despite what you are probably thinking, they made it impossible for the moves to be impossible to do. Trust me; I was skeptic to my own abilities at first. But with a little time and trust in their methods, I now believe I can hold my own on a dance floor.
With these two exciting and tiring activities out of the way, there was a hotdog lunch served followed by a brief presentation and Q&A with Congressman Hansen-Clark that talked about college loan and debt forgiveness. One would think the day couldn’t have enough time to put any more fun into it. Wrong. After the Q&A there was an opportunity to let out the screaming artist within through spray painting and t-shirt designing led by Charles Roberts Jr. What more could a youth or young adult ask for on a Saturday afternoon? Intellectual conversations on topics that are actually relatable to your everyday routine, fun dance lesson to keep you up-to-date with the ever changing culture, free food, an opportunity to learn what is happening in the political world around you and concerning you, and an opportunity to make an artistic keepsake/gift.
Graffiti segment |
The Hip-Hop Butterfly |
Ber-Henda looking Fabulous |
Hip Hop Meets Scripture | <><><><>